Monday, August 1, 2011

County Operations Center-Conference Center, San Diego Signed Off!

Suffolk-Roel’s BIM team signed-off the BIM Coordination for County Operations Conference Center in San Diego. This 20,000 square-foot conference center is scheduled to be completed in October 2012. The building is designed to comply with a Platinum Certification level according to the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy Efficient Design (LEED) Rating System and has green features like green roof and solar tubes!  The structure will have combination of pre-cast concrete panels, metal panels and aluminum storefront for the skin.

Here are some Build Smart facts for COCCC:

·         The BIM Coordination of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and architectural systems allowed the COC project to avoid construction conflicts that typically would have been encountered during actual field installation. We started with over 2000 clashes and signed-off no clash coordination! 
·         Having a coordinated 3D virtual model also allows our subcontractors to prefabricate their systems rather than shipping raw material to the jobsite for construction. Avoiding rework by avoiding conflicts in the field and prefabricating systems will reduce the amount of scrap material and waste on this project. 
·         Coordinating these systems in a 3D virtual environment also allowed easier analysis of MEP equipment placement which translates to easier equipment maintenance and operation during the future lifecycle of this building.
·         7 out of 10 meetings were conducted through web-based GoToMeeting rather than the typical on-site/in person MEP coordination meetings.  We saved an estimated 1421 miles in automobile travel on this project.

Suffolk-Roel’s involvement and innovation in this project shows the West Coast region’s continuing support of the company’s overall dedication to building smart, sustainability and green building practices.