Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Constructability Review

One of the benefits of BIM is having a 3D overlay of the architectural and structural details for constructability review.

On the Colton High School project during the 1st BIM coordination meeting the architectural model was federated with the steel subcontractors model.  During a virtual walk through it was noticed that all of the windows had steel framing above them with the exception of two on the west side of the building.

Upon reviewing the contract documents it was noticed that these supports were shown on the architectural drawing but not on the structural plan.  As a result the structural steel subcontractor did not notice the ones that are missing during their steel detailing:

These supports are attached to the building with an embed in the exterior block.  If this issue had not been caught until after construction of the exterior wall, it could have been expensive to find an alternate fastening solution, could have caused potential damage to the block wall, windows, landscape/hardscape (depending on what phase of construction this issue would have been discovered), and could have caused an impact to the schedule if these items were not fabricated as part of the original steel package.

Detail showing connection to wall: